Research Project IV Thesis Preparation
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100 Hours
Research Project IV Thesis Preparation
Learn to prepare for and plan a thesis. Start any time, work at your own pace
This is a unique course developed to expand a person's knowledge of research methodology; for students, writers, academics and entrepeneurs.
There are 10 lessons in this course:
- The Problem Statement
- Introduction
- What is a problem
- Selecting a topic
- Structure of a problem statement
- How does a problem statement relate to quantitative and qualitative research
- Referencing and reference types
- The Literature Review Part One
- What is a literature review
- Relating your literature review to the problem statement
- Types of literature
- Collecting information
- Finding literature: text books, journal articles, indexes, abstracts, internet
- The Literature Review Part Two
- Critical reading
- Literatire review structure
- Writing
- Verbs
- Quotations
- Presentation of work
- The Hypothesis
- What is a hypothesis
- Definitions
- Scientific method
- Structuring a hypothesis
- What is not a hypothesis
- Null hypothesis
- Correlation vs cause and effect
- Occam's razor
- The Method
- Introduction
- Structuring your research method
- Research strategy
- Data collection
- Quantitative data
- Qualitative data
- Data sampling
- Sampling methods
- Research integrity
- Data Collection
- Introduction
- Primary and secondary sources of data
- Quantitative data
- Qualutative data
- Data collection
- Literature review
- Key informants
- Experimental
- Correlation
- What is correlation
- Questionnaires, Surveys and Tests
- Interviews
- Documentation
- Observation
- Focus groups
- Case studies
- Combination and triangulation
- Research Proposal
- Introduction
- Outline
- Cover Page, abstract, introduction, problem statement, hypothesis, context background, literature survey, research methodology
- Time schedule, budget, terminology, resource list, appendix
- Academic writing
- Thesis Writing
- Nature of thesis structure
- Thesis structure guidelines: different types
- Ethics
- Ethics of collecting data
- Human research
- Non human research
- Ethics committee
- Categories of research
- Where To From Here
- Pitfalls
- Finalising a thesis submission
For more information on this course, please request your free course information pack.
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