Learning Cloud Ireland offers Skills Recognition as part of all new enrolments and as a stand alone process. Skills recognition helps people in gaining recognition for skills they already have.
Skills Recognition is valuable for both an employer and candidate. Learning Cloud Ireland also recognises qualifications issued by registered training organisations, community colleges and tertiary institutes which may provide credit towards the completion of qualifications with Learning Cloud Ireland.
For more information on how you can have your skills assessed, or if you're an employer with further questions, please contact the Learning Cloud Ireland's Customer Service Centre on 041 214 0000 or email [email protected]

About Skills Recognition
Credit Transfer
"Credit Transfer assesses the initial course or subject that an individual is using to claim access to or the award of credit in a destination course. The assessment determines the extent to which the candidate's initial course or subject is equivalent to the required learning outcomes, competency outcomes or standards in a qualification. This may include Credit Transfer based on formal learning that is outside the AQF". (AQTF 2007)
Recognition of Prior Learning
"Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment process that assesses an individual's formal and informal learning to determine the extent to which that individual has achieved the required learning outcomes, competency outcomes, or standards for entry to, and/or partial or total completion of, a qualification". (AQTF 2007)
RPL acknowledges skills and knowledge obtained through:
- Work experience including paid and volunteer work
- Life experience including skills attained through leisure pursuits such as musical, mechanical or linguistic abilities
Learning Cloud Ireland offers you the opportunity to convert these skills into a full or part qualifications depending on your needs.
Employers are looking for people with the right skills and knowledge for the job they are offering. Having a qualification (or part of one) is a great way to tell an employer, what you have to offer.
The process of matching your individual skills and knowledge (often gained over many years of work) with a Nationally Recognised qualification is called Skills Recognition or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
Benefits for Candidates
Candidates need to provide a Learning Cloud Ireland assessor with evidence of prior learning if they wish to have their skills recognised under Skills Recognition. There are many benefits to the candidate in undertaking the Skills Recognition process.
The benefits to you are:
- Provides you with a full or part qualification
- Can avoid duplication of training
- Can save you time and money
- Students can complete a course early
- Study loads reduced
- Study costs reduced
- Advance quicker to a higher level qualification
RPL suits people who have industry relevant experience that includes:
- Paid or unpaid work experience
- Life experience
- Community work experience
- Work skills or knowledge
Credit Transfer suits people who have formal training that might be relevant to a new qualification they want to gain.
Benefits for Employers
Do you have employees that have skills and knowledge but no qualifications? Do they need the paper to prove it?
Skills Recognition is designed for employees who have skills and knowledge in a vocational area that might enable them to gain a full or partial qualification. It recognises formal and non-formal prior learning.
Skills Recognition has the potential to recognise skills and knowledge already acquired. Positive Skills Recognition outcomes mean that qualified workers are available more rapidly than if training is required.
Skills Recognition can:
- reduce unnecessary training by RTOs
- increase the pool of skilled workers with qualifications to meet industry needs
- assist in addressing skill shortages
- provide greater equity for the outcomes of training pathways
- compare more favorably in international comparisons
Examples of evidence you may want to consider using include:
- brief resume/curriculum vitae
- position descriptions
- work samples
- practical demonstrations in the workplace
- assessment interviews
- references and support from your supervisors or others in your community/ previous employers
- previous qualifications, certificates/ results of assessments
- details of in-house courses, workshops. Seminars, orientation or induction sessions
- videos and/or photos of work examples, performance reviews
- diaries/task sheets/ job sheets/ log books
The Process
At Learning Cloud Ireland there are 4 stages through the Skills Recognition process.
They are:
- Stage 1: Briefing
- Stage 2: Check point
- Stage 3: Feedback and evidence gathering
- Stage 4: Final evaluation and feedback
The four stages are made up of the following:
- Briefing and meetings
- Self assessment
- Collection and sorting of evidence
- Confirmation of current competence
- Weighing up of evidence
- Recognition decision
- Feedback and evaluation
- Review of process and opportunity for appeal
What is Evidence?
There are many forms of evidence that you can provide to assist in receiving Skills Recognition.
These may include:
Historical evidence
- Past qualification and short courses
- Past work experience and examples of past work
- References, testimonials from past supervisors, trainers, managers, customers and clients and past work reports.
Recent Evidence
- Recent qualifications and short courses
- Recent work experience, work records, records of workplace training and examples of past work
- Recent references, testimonials from current supervisors, trainers, managers, customers and clients
- Job description
- Employer recommendations
- Examples of work products
- Observation of current performance
- Confirmation of relevant unpaid or voluntary experience
Importance of current competence
It is important to remain current for many qualification requirements. Current competency is important because:
- Prior learning often contributes to current competence but its effect may decline over time
- Competence is like water in a leaky bucket – unless it is replenished by appropriate experience or further learning, the level gradually drops
- Current competence is often double-checked by observing people in real or simulated work
Decisions in Skills Recognition outcomes
The assessor will look at the evidence available.
The assessor will judge the extent to which the evidence indicates that you are currently competent for the standards concerned.
The assessor may do further checks of current competence by:
- Asking you questions about what you know and understand
- Observing you doing real or simulated work tasks
- Getting further evidence of you current work
The assessor will make a decision on whether you meet all of the competency requirements of the unit or if you require further training.
Feedback and evaluation
- The assessor will discuss with you the results of the Skills Recognition decision.
- The assessor will show you your options and the benefits of each
- Your assessor will help you move along a pathway to achieve your ambitions
- Your assessor will explain what you can do if you wish to appeal and outcome
Please contact us for further information.