
Personnel Management

Online Personnel Management Course

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Online & Correspondence
100 Hours

Improve your Human Resource skills with Personal Management VBS107 at Learning Cloud

Course Content

This course contains nine lessons, as follows:

1.Human behaviour
•Individual and group behaviour
•Gestalt theory of perception
•Influences on perception: behaviour, appearance, expectations, primary effect, attribution, schemas
•Perception and reality
•Selective attention
•Central traits
•Kelley's theory of attribution
•Changing perceptions
•Defence mechanisms
•Psychologically healthy individuals
•Influences on human behaviour
•Family influence
•Influence of school
•Influence of peers
•Influence of society

2.Workplace communications
•Communication defined
•Variables affecting communication: context, nature and quality of the transmitted message and the received message
•Effective communication
•Listening effectively
•Giving clear instructions
3.Workplace conditions
•Duty of care
•Workplace safety
•Costs of illness and injury
•Lifting and manual handling
•Protective equipment
•Workplace bullying and violence
•Workplace design; physical and psychological factors
•Office landscaping

4.Controlling Operations
•Supervising staff: listening, informing, leading
•Managing a project
•Applying standards
•Monitoring performance
•Regulating progress
•Giving directives and introducing change
•Dealing with contingencies
•Developing contingency plans
•Problem solving methodology
•Stock control
•Quality control
•Production control
•Labour utilisation control
•Financial control

5.Recruitment and Induction
•Advertising a position
•Interview guidelines
•Interview questions
•Types of questions

6.Staff training
•Responsibilities of a trainer
•Factors affecting learning: Attention, intelligence, self esteem. etc
•How we learn
•Assessing training needs
•Sources of information for a needs assessment
•Communication skills for trainers
•Body language
•Reasons that people do not learn -communication barriers
•Developing conversation
•Effective questioning
•Motivating learners
•Principles of learning
•Adult learners

7.Work teams
•Conformity -Heiders Balance Theory
•Different styles of handling conflict
•Delegation situations: High Experience/Low Motivation; High Experience/High Motivation etc
•Conflict handling tequniques
•Dealing with anger (in yourself and in others)
•Joint problem solving approach
•Negotiation problems

8.Positive Discipline
•Static and dynamic principle
•Giving praise
•Enforcing rules
•The disciplinary interview
•Changing behaviour -classic and operant conditioning

9.Grievances and Complaints
•Detecting a problem
•Guidelines for dealing with grievances
•Reducing grievances
•Applying the formal problem solving technique

10.Monitoring and Reporting
•Monitoring performance
•Regular review
•Scheduled evaluations
•Report writing
•Work study
•Techniques of work study
•Work measurement


  • Explain how perception, learning and prior experience influence human behaviour
  • Identify and practice communication skills that will improve your ability to effectively receive and transmit messages in the workplace
  • Explain factors that contribute to overall workplace conditions and can affect workplace culture
  • Explain basic supervising practices for controlling business or department operations
  • Identify essential processes in the recruitment and induction of employees
  • Describe the key elements of planning and conducting effective staff training
  • Describe how team processes can be used to improve performance and productivity
  • Identify methods to establish and maintain discipline through positive means, such as reinforcement and increasing motivation
  • Describe strategies for reducing dissatisfaction and handling dissatisfaction when it arises
  • Explain the importance of monitoring workplace processes and performance, and how to report your observations

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