Supervision I
- Learn about supervision in the workplace
- Explore opportunities for work and career development
- Enhance your "people management" skills for your job or business
A good supervisor or foreman can make a big difference in any workplace in many ways: improving productivity, job satisfaction, sustainability, staff retention and more. Supervisory skills are an asset in any mediam or large organisation; and and essential for success in any small business. This course teaches you all these things and more.
There are 10 lessons as follows:
1. Introduction - Functions of a supervisor, Organisational structures and heirachy, Bases for organisational structure, Organisational charts, Supervisors responsibilities, How supervisors fit into an organisation, What does a supervisor do.
2. Understanding the work place - Government and private personnel departments, unions; Law and employees, Contracted responsibilities, Discrimination, Liability for staff actions, Workplace elements.
3. Communications and human relations -Influence in the workplace (formal authority, Reward and punishment, Knowledge, Leadership, Power, etc), Familiarity, Managing Aptitude (Status, Prestige, Loyalty, Security, Friendship, Personality, Workload, etc), Good Business Writing, Memoranda, Letters.
4. Motivating employees - Internal Incentives, Environmental Incentives, Practical ways to motivate
5. Organising the work place - Good work habits, Planning a Work schedule, Establishing priorities, Improving results, Project planning and management tools, Organising the work space.
6. Problem solving techniques - Solving problems, Guidelines for making decisions, Types of problem, solvers, Different ways to solve problems, Involving others, A Classic Problem Solving Technique
7. Discipline, complaints and grievances - Levels of discipline (reprimanding, fixing, blame, formal warning, removing privileges, termination of employment, legal action), Increasing self discipline, Introducing change, Giving orders.
8. Interviewing, recruitment, training - Job interviews, Successful interviewing, Resumes/ C.V's, Training Staff, Staff Procedure Documents, Staff contracts,
9. Work place safety -Cost of injury and illness, Duty of Care, Accidents, Managing manual work safely, Protective equipment
10. Dealing with management/worker participation/ report writing/ staff meetings - Purpose of meetings, Leading a meeting, Problems with meetings, Meeting documentation
For more information on this course, please request your free course information pack.