The Analysis and Valuation of Stocks
Learn fundamental and advanced techniques for researching and analyzing stocks. This comprehensive course will teach you how to read financial statements, calculate financial ratios, perform industrial comparisons, and conduct economic research.
This comprehensive course is designed to provide you with conventional and advanced techniques in researching and valuing stocks. Starting off with the basics, you will learn how to read financial statements and calculate financial ratios, and then move on to perform industrial comparisons, value stocks, and conduct economic and industrial research.
The course is taught in a manner that uses everyday language, simple yet insightful analogies, and a just the facts attitude that you will understand and appreciate. By the end of this course, you will have a strong foundation in the analysis and valuation of stocks.
What you will learn
- Learn how to read financial statements and calculate financial ratios
- Understand how to perform industrial comparisons and value stocks
- Learn how to conduct economic and industrial research
How you will benefit
- Gain a strong foundation in the valuation of stocks
- Learn in a stress free environment using simple, everyday language you can understand
- Feel more confident in your ability to make wise investments
Introduction and Welcome
Introduction to Annual and Quarterly Reports
Financial Statements - Part I
Financial Statements - Part II
Financial Ratios - Part I
Financial Ratios - Part II
Case Studies and Industrial Comparisons
The Value of a Stock
Valuation Techniques
Economics and the Outside Environment
Researching Resources
A comprehension of high school mathematics and an interest in researching stocks is needed for this course.