
Merrill Ream Speed Reading

Online Merrill Ream Speed Reading Course

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24 Hours

This course will teach you how to save time by reading faster and with better comprehension.

Are you struggling to keep up with a flood of email, articles, reports, and books? Save yourself hours of time and increase your productivity by learning to read faster and with better comprehension. This course is a complete speed-reading experience. Topics are presented in a logical progression with plenty of time to help you master the skills and techniques you will need for lasting proficiency as a speed-reader.

What you will learn

  • Learn and practice some basic eye movements important to the speed-reading process
  • Learn about Regulated Reading, Timed Reading, and Assignment exercises to gain increased reading rates with good comprehension
  • Examine the retinal image phenomena and how it relates to a speed-reader's eye movements
  • Discover bad reading habits that contribute to slow reading and learn to overcome them
  • Learn 16 good speed reading practices you can apply to any reading you do
  • Learn skills to improve comprehension
  • Learn methods to measure your speed reading rates
  • Discover vocabulary skills that you can work into your personal speed-reading style

How you will benefit

  • Discover what bad habits you have developed that may contribute to slow reading
  • Keep up with the flood of emails, articles, reports, and books that you want and need to read
  • Save yourself hours of time and increase your productivity by learning to read faster and with better comprehension



On this first day of class, you'll read a story to evaluate your present reading rate. You'll learn how many words per minute you read now, and then you'll compare that number to what percent of the reading material you're really comprehending. You'll also get an opportunity to check out some speed reading accomplishments. Then, you'll complete an eye-span exercise to start you on the path toward becoming a speed reader!

Reading Against Time

In this lesson, you'll practice some basic reading eye movements and learn how they're important to the speed reading process. Then, you'll take a reading rate and comprehension test. Your results will give you a baseline that you can use to chart your speed reading progress in this course, lesson-by-lesson. From there, you can set goals to increase your reading rate while maintaining a good reading comprehension.

Speed Reading Activities

By now, you might feel that the activities you're using to master your speed reading skills are becoming routine and repetitive. For that reason, this lesson will talk about how and why you should continue doing the Regulated Reading, Timed Reading, and Assignment exercises to gain increased reading rates with good reading comprehension. Finally, you'll read some stories that are formatted to help you improve your speed.

Setting Goals

In this lesson, you'll examine the retinal image phenomena and how it relates to a speed reader's eye movements. Speed reading is a skill that's best achieved by doing repetitive practice, so you'll continue working on those exercises that are helping you to improve your speed.

Overcoming Poor Reading Habits

You'll probably find it helpful to work on lesson activities in the same comfortable and familiar surroundings. This lesson will talk about eight bad reading habits that contribute to slow reading, then you'll explore how to overcome them. Finally, you'll review some terminology that's unique to speed reading.

Sixteen Good Speed Reading Practices

In this lesson, you'll look at 16 good speed reading practices you can apply to the course exercises and any other reading you do outside of class. You're at the midpoint in the course, so this is also a good time to compare your reading rate and comprehension scores with those of the former students you read about earlier. From there, you'll set goals for you to meet in the remaining lessons.

Skimming Techniques

You'll probably be reading pretty quickly by the time you reach this lesson, but how can you make sure your comprehension scores are keeping up? In this lesson, you'll look at the skills you'll need to work on to improve your comprehension. You'll find out what keys and identified parts are unique to all stories, and knowing those will help you to improve your comprehension. You'll be glad to learn that you already know a few speed reading skills and techniques as you continue to apply them to the course activities.

Measuring Reading Rates

In this lesson, you'll practice speed reading skills and techniques in real-world reading materials outside of class. You'll learn a method you can use to measure your speed reading rates when you're reading such materials. At this point, you'll be eager to read outside materials, not just for their content, but to further develop your speed reading skills and techniques.

Speed Reading Styles

You're now ready to analyze your personal speed reading style. You'll once again compare your speed reading rate and comprehension scores with those of former students to see how you stack up against others. You'll also compare your current scores with the scores you recorded at the beginning of the course to see how far you've come!

Vocabulary and Comprehension Skills

In this lesson, you'll look at eight word recognition vocabulary skills that you can work into your personal speed reading style. You'll learn how context clues and literal and inferential meanings in stories influence comprehension. All are part of the English language and fit right in with speed reading.

Assessing Your Progress

In this lesson, you'll see if you can figure out which of your behavior patterns are most useful in your own speed reading style. First and foremost, you need flexibility to focus on improving your reading speed, then you need an experimental attitude to get rid of poor reading habits. You'll study how the time you put in and the effort you expend affect your speed reading progress.

Wrapping Up

In the last lesson, you'll look at your personal speed reading accomplishments, as well as your speed reading future. From here on out, you're in the real world of reading, but you'll go into it with a lifelong speed reading skill. You'll learn how to adjust your personal speed reading style to any materials you read, because now you are a speed reader!


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