Frontline Management
Frontline Management VBS021
This course will teach you the foundations in frontline management. You will learn practical skills to apply to your business, your role as a frontline manager, or to develop your resume to gain work in management.
There are 6 modules in this course.
You will study the following four core modules:
Personnel Management
1. Human Behaviour
2. Workplace Communications
3. Workplace Conditions
4. Controlling Operations
5. Recruitment and Induction
6. Staff Training
7. Work Teams
8. Positive Discipline
9. Grievances and Complaints
10.Monitoring and Reporting
There are ten lessons in this module also (100 hrs) as follows:
1. Introduction to Organisational structures & responsibilities.
2. Understanding the work place
3. Communications and human relations
4. Motivating employees
5. Organising the work place
6. Problem solving techniques
7. Discipline, complaints and grievances
8. Interviewing, recruitment, training.
9. Work place safety
10.Dealing with management/worker participation/ report writing/ staff meetings
Industrial Psychology
There are ten lessons in this course as follows:
1. Introduction
2. Understanding the Employees Thinking
3. Personality & Temperament
4. Psychological Testing
5. Management & Managers
6. The Work Environment
7. Motivation and Incentives
8. Recruitment
9. Social Considerations
10. Abnormalities and Disorders
Workplace Health & Safety
There are ten lessons in this module spread over 100 hours of study.
1. Introduction
2. Legislation
3. Protective Equipment
4. Handling Chemicals
5. Handling Equipment
6. Handling Objects
7. Using Computer Work Stations
8. Working Alone
9. Standards and Rules
10.Signs and Signals
In addition to the above four modules, you need to select two more from the following.
•Business Studies
•Sales Management
For more information about this course, please request your free information pack.